Ghost World
I caught “Ghost World” on cable yesterday morning. It’s my first time to watch it since I can’t find a pirated DVD copy of the movie anywhere. I’ve tried looking for the original DVD but can’t find that one either. Why is it that crappy movies like “Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle” is available everywhere and great movies like “Donnie Darko” and “Amores Perros” are left in some inaccessible dark doghouse somewhere?
“Ghost World” is about young Enid (Thora Birch) who is a loveable and intellectual loser too good for this world and therefore makes no effort to live by its rules. She is in the mold of such characters like Troy Dyer from "Reality Bites" (all those pithy and snappy remarks) and Holden Caufield (all that salty language). Enid has only Rebecca (a pre “Lost in Translation” Scarlett Johansson) for a friend and even this relationship seems to be slipping in the face of the demands of responsibility and growing up.
Enid decides to let in one more person into her very elite circle in the person of Seymour (Steve Buscemi), a middle-aged bachelor whom she and Rebecca meet when a prank on him backfires on them. Enid and Seymour form a tight bond against all expectations and its pure irony when she tries to draw him out of their ghost world by making it her mission to have Seymour meet a nice woman. When he does, she regrets that she’s alone again and misses him.
The most touching scene in the movie was when Enid tells Norman, this old guy who waits for a bus that never comes, that he’s the only she can depend on – that no matter what happens, Norman is always there at the bus stop waiting. Oh no, he says, you’re wrong. Norman expects that damn bus to finally stop very soon and he won’t be there anymore.
I love the ending because it’s so open-ended. These are the kinds of movies I like. There are no resolutions in the end and you just think about what’ll happen to the characters long after seeing the movie – your own personal sequel that Hollywood doesn’t dictate to you like you were some kind of retard.
Here are some memorable quotes from “Ghost World” which I got from You can always tell that a movie has great writing when it’s got a lot of entries in its “Memorable Quotes” page in "Ghost World" is no exception and you’ll just bust a gut reading them.
Memorable Quotes from
Ghost World (2000)
Alcoholic Customer: Do you serve beer or any alcohol?
Enid: I wish. Actually you wish... after about five minutes of this movie, you're gonna wish you had ten beers.
Rebecca: This is so bad it's almost good.
Enid: This is so bad it's gone past good and back to bad again.
Rebecca: You actually like that guy?
Enid: I don't know, I kind of like him. He's the exact opposite of everything I really hate. In a way, he's such a clueless dork, he's almost kind of cool.
Rebecca: That guy is many things, but he's definitely not cool.
Enid: So what was all that about enlarged holes and tight cracks?
Seymour: I can't relate to 99% of humanity.
Rebecca: Oh, face it, you just hate every single guy on the face of the earth.
Enid: That's not true. I just hate all these extroverted, obnoxious, pseudo-bohemian losers.
Enid: I liked her so much better when she was an alcoholic crack addict. She gets in one little car wreck and all of a sudden she's Little Miss Perfect and everyone loves her.
Enid: I think only stupid people have good relationships.
Seymour: That's the spirit.
Rebecca: Oh look, there he is.
Enid: As always.
Rebecca: Waiting for the bus that never comes.
Enid: I wonder if he's just totally insane, or he really thinks the bus is coming?
Rebecca: Why don't you just ask him?
Enid: Hi. What's your name?
Norman: Norman.
Enid: Are you waiting for a bus?
Norman: Yes.
Enid: I hate to tell you this, but they canceled this bus line two years ago. There are no more buses on this street.
Norman: You don't know what you're talking about.
Rebecca: So, what do you do if you're a Satanist?
Enid: Sacrifice virgins and stuff.
Rebecca: I guess that lets us off the hook.
Enid: I think I'm going crazy from sexual frustration.
Rebecca: And you haven't heard the miracle of masturbation?
Maxine: It's really quite something to see you all grown-up like this, Enid. I'd love to know what you're doing now. I can't help but feel I had some small part in how you turned out. What're you studying? You were always such a smart little girl.
Enid: I'm taking a remedial high school art class for fuck-ups and retards.
Enid: We need to find a place where you can go to meet women who share your interests.
Seymour: Maybe I don't want to meet someone who shares my interests. I hate my interests.
[Seymour can't wait for two mothers and their many kids to cross an intersection]
Seymour: What are we, in slow motion here? C'mon, what are you, hypnotized? Have some more kids, why don't you.
Seymour: You think it's healthy to obsessively collect things? You can't relate to other people, so you fill your life with stuff... I'm just like all these other collector losers.
[Enid is looking at the racist logo of Cook's Chicken, formerly Coon Chicken]
Enid: So, I don't get it. Are you saying things were better then, even though there was stuff like this?
Seymour: I suppose things are better now, but... I don't know. People still hate each other, they just know how to hide it better.
Enid: Hey, look. There's the pants.
[Doug comes into the Sidewinder without a shirt on]
Doug: What's up, Josh? Give me two packs of cigarettes today. Working overtime: Sixteen hours.
[Puts malt liquor bottle on the counter]
Doug: And nature's nectar, wake-up juice. And give me six of these beef jerky's. I'm hungry enough to chew the crotch out of a rag doll.
[Sidewinder Boss spots him]
Sidewinder Boss: Hey. Hey. How many times do I have to tell you? No shirt, no service. Get the hell out of my store. What do you think this is, Club Med?
Doug: It's called America, dude. Learn the rules.
Sidewinder Boss: "Learn the rules?" No, YOU learn the rules. We Greeks invented democracy.
Doug: You also invented homos.
Sidewinder Boss: Fuck you.
Doug: You wish. You gotta buy me dinner first.
Doug: Rock n' roll, baby: Freedom of speech.
Enid: If he's so weird, why is he wearing Nikes?
Enid: It's not like I'm some modern punk, dickhead. It's an obvious, 1977 original punk rock look. I guess Johnny fuckface over there's too stupid to realize it.
Rebecca: I didn't really get it either.
Enid: Everyone's too stupid.
[observing Seymour's order from across the diner]
Enid: Oh my God. He just ordered a giant glass of milk.
Josh: ...That's a vanilla milkshake.
[After seeing Seymour just miss hitting a truck]
Enid: Oh my god. It's him. He's insane.
Rebecca: We should follow him home.
Seymour: Well, I have to admit that things are really starting to look up for me since my life turned to shit.
Angry Garage Sale Woman: How much for this dress?
Rebecca: God, I can't believe you're selling that.
Enid: That's $500.
Angry Garage Sale Woman: What?
Enid: 500.
Angry Garage Sale Woman: You're crazy. It should be like $2.
Enid: I was wearing that dress when I lost my virginity.
Angry Garage Sale Woman: Why do I care?
Enid: Well, why do you want it? I mean, it would look stupid on you anyway.
Angry Garage Sale Woman: God. Fuck you.
Dana: I am so excited to see this movie. Dustoffvarnya is such a brilliant director. Did you see his last film, "The Flower that Drank the Moon"? It was simply glorious!
Seymour: I guess I must have missed that one. But then what do I know. I like Laurel and Hardy movies.
Dana: Really? I never really cared for those. I mean, why does the fat one always have to be so mean to the skinny one?
Roberta: That piece is entitled "Mirror, Father, Mirror." I like to show it to people I'm meeting for the first time because I feel it says so much about who I am and what it feels like to inhabit my specific skin.
[At their High School graduation, Enid and Rebecca encounter Melora, an incredibly cute and annoying classmate]
Melorra: Oh my God. We have to get together this summer.
Enid: [Deadpan] Yeah... That'll definitely happen.
Enid: Josh.
Rebecca: Josh.
Enid and Rebecca: JOSH.
Enid: God, I'll bet he's in there jerking off.
Rebecca: I'll bet he never jerks off.
Enid: Yeah, he's beyond human, and stuff like that.
Rebecca: Should we leave him a note?
Enid: Sure. You got a pen?
[Rebecca pulls out a pen]
Enid: [writing] Dear Josh, we came by to fuck you, but you were not home. Therefore... you are gay. Signed Tiffany, and Amber.
Melorra: Oh my god, you guys actually made it.
Enid: [Deadpan] Yeah. We graduated high school. How... totally... amazing.
Enid: Wow, look at me. I'm not even listening to a word you're saying.
John Ellis: You know, you never paid me for that Indian dance routine tape.
Enid: Yes I did.
John Ellis: You Jews are so clever with money.
Enid: Fuck you. Stupid redneck hick.
Soda Customer: Hi, can I get a medium 7-Up?
Enid: ...Medium? Why sir, did you now know that for a mere 25 cents more you can purchase a large beverage? And you know... I'm only telling you this because we're such good friends: Medium is really only for suckers who don't know the concept of value.
Enid: He better watch out or he'll get AIDS when he date-rapes her.