Mad at Madrid
Not unlike porn the first time I saw Madrid, I fell in love with it. This was just last September when I spent a couple of days in Spain's capital from Barcelona as my friend Lucy and I were on our way to Salamanca. I fell in love with it because of the subtle differences Madrid has with Barcelona. For instance where Barcelona is cleaner, well-run, and is on the cutting-edge of modern architecture, Madrid is sruffier, untidy, and it still has buildings from the turn of the century and the golden age of Art Deco. Barcelona is all about the cool and the trendy while Madrid, the classic and the old-fashioned. It is a distinction which an old soul like me understood straightaway.
I've been to Madrid several times now -- it's only a two and a half-hour bus or train ride from Salamanca -- so much so that I'm known in my class as the guy who's there all the time. Whenever I'm asked what I did during the weekend, inevitably I would answer that I was there. The two times I was absent, the reason I gave was that I was in, yes, Madrid. To be fair, I was back there for good reasons and not just to to see the damn place, I met up with two friends on two separate weekends and I took my Mac there for repairs.
And so I found myself in Madrid last weekend with Sakinah. Yes, her. Let me clarify for the record though that we're just friends. I have feelings for her, sure, but I...well...I guess someday I'd let her know. Anyway, two events transpired on Saturday morning which totally changed the way I feel about Madrid.
The first was when we were boarding the train on the subway on our way to see the football stadium Santiago Bernabéu and the home of Real Madrid. Sakinah got into the train first. I was following her when these two girls got infront of me and blocked my way to get to where Sakinah was further inside the train. I tried to get around them but three other girls had already surrounded me from behind and therefore all five kept me in a close circle. Fucking bitches. You think I don't know when my wallet or backpack are about to be stolen or slashed? I come from the Philippines! And so I took the two girls infront of me and pushed them aside. I said to Sakinah, "What the fuck is it with these people?" She shook her head and we moved to the other side of the train. I kept looking at the two girls I pushed aside but they were engaged in casual conversation and not looking at me at all which was unusual because I just, you know, manhandled them. At the next stop all five girls got off the train.
The second nefarious occurrence happened when we got to Santiago Bernabéu. I was waiting for Sakinah to finish buying Real Madrid souvenirs when this middle-aged and portly Middle Eastern fellow approached me. He looked very much like a tourist making a pilgrimage to the stadium -- he even had a digital camera around his neck.
"Excuse me," he said, "do you know the nearest Bank of ______?" (The name of the country where Sakinah is from)
"No I don't," I said, "but are you from there?"
"Yes, I work there. Say, do you have a euro bill? I've never seen one before."
"Not on me right now," I said.
"Oh my friend, don't worry I won't rob you. It's just that I've never seen one. I was hoping you could show me one of yours."
"I keep my wallet inside my bag because some girls tried to rob just now but if you're from ________, my friend is from there too."
"I see," he said nonchantly, "look, I'm here with my wife and I just want to see a euro bill. Here, let me show you my wallet to prove to you that I'm not a robber."
He shows me his wallet and it's thick with 50 euro bills. But I thought that the fucking asshole hadn't seen a euro bill before.
"I just want to see a small euro bill," he continued.
Just then Sakinah has finished buying souvenirs and joins me.
"Hey, this guy is from _______ too," I told her.
"Oh really, which part of ________ are you from?" she asked.
"I'm really from Pakistan. I just work there," the bastard said and then turned to me again, "so do you have a small euro bill?"
"Why are you asking a euro bill from him?"
"Because I haven't seen one yet."
"No, he doesn't have one," Sakinah said curtly and we both turn away from him.
I hear the guy say as we leave, "So you don't have one?"
"Jesus," I said to Sakinah, "what is wrong with this city? In one morning, people have tried to steal from me twice."
"They're just stupid," she said, "stupid," repeating her favorite word for people who annoy her, for emphasis.
So there, I have no idea why this last trip to Madrid yielded those two incidents. Maybe it's a case of racial profiling. If you're Asian and you're wearing an expensive jacket that will identify as a mark to these thieving bastards. You know, someone who comes from an Asian country not used to such demonstrations of petty criminality. I remember now my Japanese friends here at the dorm who told me that they won't soon go back to Madrid because they almost got robbed too when they were there. I know. I know. No city is perfect. Crime is to be expected in places where tourism is one of the main industries. It's just a little disappointing that my opinion of Madrid could turn on a dime because of a few filching assholes who are probably visitors very much like myself.